Saturday, 9 March 2019

Sindhi "Bhagat"

The first time I heard about the term “Bhagat” was some years ago when the neighborhood community center (“Sindhu Samaj”) was renovated and did a mural painting of a typical “Bhagat” Session (see below). It was then that I enquired from the elders in the family about “Bhagat” sessions (Sindhi Oral Tradition incorporating song, dance, story and drama) and was told about Bhagat Kanwarram being a master of this craft.  Having grown up in Delhi which has a sizable Sindhi population, I have been hearing about Bhagat Sahib since the  beginning. There is not a single program (that I know of) where Bhagat Sahib’s songs have not been sung or he hasn’t been quoted. In addition, a number of charitable acts by various Samaj’s are named after him ( Bhagat Kanwarram Dharamshala etc.. ).  

Sindhu Samaj Front Wall ( Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi)
Recently, I came across the article “Sindhi Bhagat Songs associated with Kanvar Ram” by Ms. Jyoti Garin which beautifully explains Bhagat tradition. The interested reader can find the article on the internet which also includes English translation of few of Bhagat Kanwarram Sahib's famous Kalams. The article states (edited excerpts):-

The group of five or six men comprises a “leader”, an “assistant” ,  one  or  two  “followers” , sometimes  a  “buffoon” and  two musicians.  It  is  a  typical  form  of  Sindhi  narration  in  terms  of  language,  costume  and headdress  as  well  as  of  songs,  instruments,  movements  and  gestures…  Dressed in an emblematic costume, leader and assistance, while the followers repeat and dance.

The session begins at nightfall, in the open air in a village square or in the precincts of a temple and the spectators come from all spheres of society. Formerly, these gatherings lasted three  consecutive  nights.  At  the  time  of  joyous  festivals  such  as  marriages  or  fairs,  these narrators generate a sense of piety, spread knowledge and acclaim righteousness and social progress. The bhagats also commemorate the death of the saints (“varsi”). To this day, these narrators are honored. These performances generate an atmosphere of simplicity and intense communion. It is considered that the bhagats purify the spot, the house and the village where they pass.”  

Inquiring a bit more detail from the family elders, I was told that in the pre-partition era , “Bhagat” performances held a special significance in the life of an ordinary " Hindu" Sindhi as being the main source of entertainment. However, with the emergence of alternate channels of entertainment, Bhagat tradition has witnessed a steep decline both in its relevance as well as popularity in the post-partition India. It was an almost extinct craft till a few years ago; however the past years have seen two or three upcoming Bhagat performers from Ulhasnagar/Ajmer. The other Bhagat who comes to my mind is Bhagat Bhooro Lal in Pakistan whom you would have seen in some of the videos that I have shared in previous posts ( esp. the song " Dastaan e Moomal Rano" where he sang along with Saeen Saif Samejo).

My first (and only) experience of  watching a “Bhagat” performance was last year when Sindhu Samaj had invited Bhagat Thanwar and Bhagat Anil Jaisinghani from Ulhasnagar (Mumbai) to perform at a musical evening. I have never ever seen a more energetic live performance than this! In my opinion, the beauty of a "Bhagat" art  lies in its "content" which is usually a mix of Sindhi Sufi poetry, kalams and  Master Chander  songs along with the "old school" delivery style which is simple yet powerful.  "Bhagat" performances play an important role in spreading the universal values of religious tolerance and brotherhood which is extremely important in today's day and age. 

 I am attaching a couple of you-tube links of Bhagat Thanwar and Bhagat Anil which hopefully will help you appreciate this wonderful oral tradition that is largely followed in Hindu Sindhis. Keeping this tradition alive is not an easy task given the minimal remuneration that these artists earn  and hence it is important for the entire community to support these artists. The easiest way to do so is to host a "Bhagat" session in your area / community centre .

Jeay Sindhiyat!

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