Sunday, 10 May 2020

Saeen Sadhram Sahib / Sacho Satram Sect

Religious leaders, Faqeers or " Sainjan" as we popularly call them,  have played an important role within the Sindhi community. Sindh with its focus on Sufism has always been the land of saints and Darvesh. As Professor Motilal Butani had written about Rohiri ,a town in Upper Sindh - ' Oh Rohiri! Even your stones must be worshiped because in the past at one time all the saints must have passed over them, graced by the touch of  their feet." There were supposed to have been twenty-five thousand saints in Rohiri.* Mummy remembers how Nana ( Maternal Grandfather) always used to encourage them to give a donation ( however small it may be) to a Saint or a Faqeer who knocks at the door. " Faqeer Raazi Allah Raazi"  ( Saint's blessings are God's blessings) is a popular saying in Sindhi. 

 Most Hindu Sindhi households usually have an  affiliation with a "Sainjan". Whilst some still follow "Sainjan"  who have sindhi roots , others have embraced non - Sindhi religious sects in their local areas. One of the more popular Sainjan/ Sindhi religious organisation that is still based in Sindh, Pakistan is Sacho Satram sect with its headquarters at Raharki Sahib, a small town in Upper Sindh located some 100 kilometers northeast of Sukkur. Saeen Sadhram Sahib is the current sect leader. Raherki Sahib is considered to be the the birthplace of the great saint Saeen Satram Das Sahib whom  Bhagat Kanwar Ram Sahib considered as his master. 

Before my quest to better understand my roots began, I had never even thought that there would be a sizable Hindu Sindhi community in Pakistan. The reason I thought i should write about Saeen Sadhram Sahib is as I am told that this sect with its vast following among the Pakistani Hindu Sindhi community acts as a binding force to keep them all together. Dr Sunila tells me about how much influence Saeen has on the Sindhi community in Pakistan. I recently had a conversation with another  Sindhi from Pakistan who was surprised that my family is not a follower of Sacho Satram sect. 

Saeen maintains close relations with his followers  in India as well and I understand that the sect is now establishing Sacho Satram Tirathdham near Nagpur (in Maharashtra). I am told that thousands of Sindhis have  contributed to make this dream a reality.  Saints like Saeen Sadhram have played and will continue to play an important role in helping us retain our cultural heritage and keeping the community together. Saeen's Sindhi Satsangs and his constant message of retaining our unique identity by not allowing Sindhi language to die are important lessons that all of us should try to imbibe. Saeen regularly attends World Sindhi Sammelan as well.

I end with a popular rendition of " Faqeer Raazi Allah Raazi" by Sai Kaliram Sahib. I like the way he narrates the entire kalam. I do hope you like it too. Also for the interested reader, I  am providing a link to Sacho Satram (SSD) website. 

Stay Safe!

Jai Jhulelal. 

* :  Courtesy : Troubled Pilgrimage : A  Passage to Pakistan by Balwant Bhaneja 

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