Friday, 19 January 2018

Being Sindhi

Questions regarding ones roots are usually quite complex to deal with - things like where do I come from, about ones ancestry, what did they do for a living, how did we land up at the place where we currently live etc as often the information about past is usually limited ,memories vague and details incoherent (generally).

My first experience with such questions was when we were looking for a bridegroom for my elder sister and often used to accompany my mother to the Sindhi Gurmandir where matrimonial services are usually run. The process although dated  strangely does have a decent success rate. You fill up a form which captures basic details such as name, age, complexion , weight , family background etc. You are then shared other profiles that are registered to review and take the discussion forward with them.

 It is there that one of the questions relating to "Place of Origin in Sindh" that really sparked by interest in knowing more about my background. Its surprising how sometimes the simplest of questions set in motion a quest in you to explore the "unknown". I remember my mother mentioning that I write "Sahiti" under the column. While coming back when I asked more about our origin, she did give some more information but not enough to satiate my inquisitiveness.

It is then that I decided to explore further about my background - spoke to a number of relatives, family friends, reading books , watching "Sindhi Sarvech" programs by Dr. Ram Jawahrani on youtube etc.

This set in motion a process to know more about Sindh and Sindhiyat . Looking back, I am glad that at-least something triggered this in me else I would have (largely) remained ignorant about my roots.

 To end, I am reminded of the following lines that I first read in Dada Bhaneja's book , written by the great Sindhi Sufi poet, Sachal Sarmast,  that have stayed with me. As is with all great Sufi writings, the below lines beautifully capture the essence of life  :-

Kinakhi ayan, kinakhi jaanan,
ishk allahey ahe cha,
viruhu allahey aahey cha. 

( I am nothing, I know nothing,
would someone tell me what is love,
what is separation).

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